The Q Resolutions
1. Denuclearization.
All nations must immediately redirect their nuclear arsenals towards the shared defense of Earth from extraterrestrial dangers.
2. Negotiated end to war.
All nations must commit to a Global Peace Accord that puts an end to state and organized violence and terror.
3. Abolition of poverty, hunger, and homelessness.
Poverty, hunger, and homelessness must be eliminated by comprehensive reform, charitable giving, and sustainable solutions.
4. Unified conversion to carbon negative infrastructure.
All nations must convert to 100%+ renewable resource energy generation incorporating wind, solar, responsible hydro, geothermal, and fusion sources integrated within a robust smart grid.
5. Catastrophe hardening.
All nations must prepare to survive extinction level events including asteroid impact, super volcanic eruption, mass asphyxia, and extra-planetary invasion.
6. Closed system smart homes.
Research and development resources must be committed towards creating closed system smart homes that produce and manage their own power, food, and waste, and are hardened against natural disaster and catastrophe.
7. Cure for all disease.
All medical institutions must integrate, coordinate, and cooperate towards creating cures and treatments for all known diseases, as well as developing a means of regenerating telomeres in order to prevent genetic aging and death.
8. The Space Elevator.
Nations must construct and share a Space Elevator that will support the exploration, defense, and colonization of space.
9. International Time Institute.
Nations must fund an institute devoted to a better understanding of, communication, and possible movement through time.
10. Planet 9 Mission.
Build a spacecraft and technology capable of mounting an expedition to determine the existence of Planet 9, primordial black hole, or other anomaly.